For the new parents who love to spend time out of doors being active, they will most likely be interested in finding the type of stroller that will allow them to continue to be active and include the baby as well. Parents who want to have a good, lightweight stroller that can also function as a jogging stroller will be happy to discover the Baby Jogger City Series.
The Baby Jogger strollers are perfect for the mom or dad who wants to do some serious jogging while taking the baby on a bit of an outing. One of the things that all of the Baby Jogger models have is an excellent mechanism that allows it to turn easily and corner well while remaining stable so that the baby is always safe, secure and comfortable.
The Baby Jogger City Series of strollers was developed because the founder of the company, journalist Phil Baechler, discovered the need for a better product when he was trying to jog and push his baby's stroller at the same time. It did not take many times of attempting this before he become frustrated and started looking for a better solution.
As a result, Baechler began working up ideas for way to modify the standard, traditional stroller and make it into something that would work better for his needs. Eventually, he ended up designing a new breed of stroller that had the right function, feel and maneuverability that made it perfect for jogging. He called his new, baby trend creation the "Baby Jogger."
The original Baby Jogger stroller was a bit hit almost immediately and soon the company followed up with an expanded model called "The Twinner," which is a double stroller, designed to accommodate two children. These jogging strollers became popular because they were very convenient to use anywhere, in just about any situation, not just for jogging.
One of the things that have set apart the Baby Jogger strollers is how easily they can be turned. All of the models of baby joggers from this innovative company are able to make easy and tight turns in stores, sidewalks, or any other location where the parent might find themselves with their youngster. It is the 6" swivel wheel in the front and the 12" wheels in the rear that help to make the Baby Jogger models so easy to navigate, even in crowded conditions.
Another innovation that is a feature of the Baby Jogger strollers is an optional conversion kit for the front wheels. With this kit, the parent can quickly and easily transform the 4-wheeled stroller into a 3-wheeled model when needed, which provides even more maneuverability and allows the parent to negotiate turns even better.
It is safe to say that the Baby Jogger City Series has a strong following of happy parents who simply love the ease of handling their jogging stroller and the way that it collapses quickly for fast storage. These strollers are heavier than other lightweight stroller models but parents say they appreciate that because they can hang a heavy diaper bag or purse from the back and know that there is no danger of it tipping. One of the other features parents enjoy is the adjustable sun cover that helps keep the sun off of delicate skin.
Learn more about the baby jogger city series from Mike Selvon's portal, and leave a comment at our baby stroller review blog.
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