- Increase your baby’s IQ
- Improve your baby’s language and communication skills
- Strengthen your parent/baby bond
- Reduce tantrums and …
- Increase your baby’s confidence & self-esteem
learn to grow a Super baby
Learn Baby sign and communicate with your baby correctly
You know the saying 'breast is best'? well it's true! there is no better nourishment for your baby than breast milk as it is rich in vitamins and nutrients and will help your baby grow up to be as healthy as is possible. As well as offering many benefits to the baby breast feeding also offers a number of health benefits to the breast feeding mom.
1. Weight Loss - It has been shown that breastfeeding actually helps the mother lose the extra weight put on during pregnancy and amazingly plays a role in reducing the effects of post-natal depression that can often strike new moms. Studies also suggest that moms who breastfeed have been shown to have a lower risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.
2. Finances - From a financial point of view breastfeeding is an absolute winner- it's free! Formula milk can be expensive and in these increasingly resource-scarce times don't under-estimate the cost to your utility bills of all the washing and boiling of bottles.
3. Environmental - Everybody knows the importance of conserving energy and recycling. Breastfeeding is the ultimate in recycling - your food is processed by your body and recycled as nutritious milk for your baby. So from an environmental point of view breastfeeding is a 'no-brainer' - it is the 'greenest' way to feed your baby - no trash, no products, no mess: just you, your baby and your breasts!
4. Bonding - Breast feeding also helps form a bond between you and your baby, psychologically, through the very act of breast feeding and also physically due to the actions of the hormone Oxytocin, released during breastfeeding, which is nicknamed the 'love hormone'. This natural chemical instills a sense of calm and well-being for both mother and child.
For further information on breastfeeding and the benefits for moms visit our baby help website.
Bringing home a newborn baby can be tough, especially if it's your first time! If you are looking for some help and advice on what to expect from your baby's first year then head over to http://www.HelpIHaveABaby.comand download the FREE ebook packed with helpful info and tips on all aspects of baby care. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Keating |
Advantages of Breastfeeding For Mom - 4 Great Benefits For Breastfeeding Moms
I am sure most of us were, and some do not know sh*. So it turns out that researchers claim that kids breast fed are healthier, and even smarter than someone that was not breast fed. I personally was, but I wont believe for a second that it would increase your I.Q. by so many points against someone that was not breast fed. Those exams are biased anyway in my opinion. Breastfeeding promotes bonding between mother and baby.
I was breast fed, as were my siblings. We all have high IQ's, but I think many factors came into play there (including my parents' genes). Breast feeding (probably) helps to insure certain nutrients are passed along to the child, which can help with brain development, but it is by no means the only determining factor, and likely not a major one. (That's not to say a child shouldn't get every boost it can when starting out.)
I have 7 nieces and nephews who were not, for the most part, breast fed, and they have high IQ's as well, for the most part, (though I sometimes wonder...) Laughing
But having a high IQ and being an intelligent person are different beasts altogether. Intelligence involves the application of knowledge, whereas IQ is only an aptitude for learning (absorbing information), even in the most generous of definitions.
And the scope of any such test is limited by default. Even our most advanced biological and psychological sciences understand so very little of the human brain and how it functions, regardless of what "we" think we know as the race of humans.
IQ tests (and the PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc.), after all, were created by man, so they are just as flawed as their maker. (This is undoubtedly true for all the various tests that "they" say quantify learning ability and intelligence.)
I have yet to meet the test of this type that I could not manipulate to my own ends, even as a child (much to my teachers horror). Of all my teachers, throughout the years, only one figured out it was just a game for me - that I was just playing a part on a stage. (It was strangely fitting that he was the drama coach. He also taught advanced science.)
The qualifications for the gifted program in our school system initially meant top 5% of the nation (USA) via IQ and other test scores. This eventually was bumped up to the top 2% in the nation.
BTW, I had no problems with making either of these cutoffs, according to my test scores alone. Some other students were not able to meet the higher standard (even after being allowed to do a secondary "makeup" IQ test) and thus were "dropped" from the "gifted" program. (Like that isn't a way to give a child a complex. "Oh you're pretty smart, but you're just not smart enough... not anymore, buck up, Little Derek.")
I had my first IQ test at ~age 5 (around kindergarten). After my elders (teachers, administrators, etc) finished cooing over how high my scores were, I was shuttled off to be tested more... (presumably, so that people could understand how my brain worked.)
I spent the majority of my secondary school life in "gifted" programs, being periodically re-tested. In these so-called "gifted" programs, I was surrounded mainly by idiots with purportedly high IQ's, but an incredible lack of actual intelligence. I say mainly, because it was not an absolute - not everyone was a blooming idiot.
I witnessed no evidence of the supposed intelligence of most of the people in the "gifted" program, and I don't say this to be mean-spirited. (I am only reflecting upon my youthful observations that these people seemed to struggle with the yoke that had been put upon them, and the academic merits they were expected to achieve effortlessly.)
I did however, see that a few of them were the children of "prominent" people, and the like. (Let's just say that the methodology for selecting students for the "gifted" program/s in our school was my first experience with "affirmative action.") I suppose it meant bragging rights for the parents to be able to crow that their child was in the "gifted" program. Or to say that all their children had been, when all children are not created (academically) equal even within one family.
Needless to say, I began to question "what exactly" IQ tests were supposingly measuring at a very early age - much to my various teachers' chagrin. Mr. Green
The whole IQ, intelligence, and genetic predisposition arguments and discussions are a hot topic right now (particularly as some disciplines are currently trying to qualify intelligence through DNA classification), and it's one that is particularly close to my heart, as routine testing and prodding was something I had to live with throughout my childhood/secondary school years. (Once I became an adult, I started to refuse to be a guinea pig, as it were, even for the benefit of greater scientific knowledge.)
The "breast feeding gives your baby an IQ boost" is an interesting tactic to "push" women into breast feeding though. I should hope the bond with your child factor is a nice enough aside in its own right.
In the end I guess I should be happy that my mother both breast fed me, and was an intelligent, caring woman. She gave me every possible boost she could provide. And I owe much of who I am, and the person I've become, to her.
Learn more about this author, Bala India.
Breast feeding and claims it increases intelligence
Most women experience some soul of abdominal pain during pregnancy. This is completely ordered, especially in the onset performs during pregnancy. These abdominals pains can are sometimes puzzled as cramps from menstruation. However, abdominal pain during pregnancy is sometimes an indicator of a more perilous muscle theme.
Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a early opinion pioneer of an Ectheme Pregnancy, which is a life threatening condition to both you and your baby. This condition should be diagnosed and treated immediately. Some of the opinion pioneers grip:
closely, important pains that last for a long perform of time
If you think you have learned a lot about this fascinating topic so far remember, we are only halfway through!
We wish that the first part of this piece as brought you a lot of greatly required information on ?Tips For Women With Abdominal menace During Pregnancy at hand.
torture in other areas of the both, in adition to abdominal pain
Vaginal spring
If you have an Ectheme Pregnancy, that means the egg has ingrained itself where it shouldn't be - usually in the fallopian tubes, as differing to inside the uterus. As the egg continues to grow and enlarge, the delay of your body is put in jeapordy.
If you're experiencing symptoms that intimate you may have more than just ordered abdominal pain during pregnancy, take medical thought right away. It's better to be alert than sorry.
Abdominal pain during pregnancy can also indicate a miscarriage. A miscarriage is usually pioneeraled by spring in your vagina, followed by cramping. The cramps can last between some hours and some reality.
Again, if you're experiencing abdominal pains, along with other symptoms that may indicate a more important theme, consult your doctor immediately.
Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually alert and ordered. However, coupled with other symptoms, it can be an early opinion pioneer of more important themes.
What you have cultured while appraisal this informative piece, is education that you can keep with you for a existence.
This article is meant to both inform and entertain those who read it. Hopefully, we have (will) accomplished both goals for you.
Author: sammie wingfield
Website: http://www.goodarticlesforfree.com
Tips For Women With Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy by mrlee
Designed for portability, the Swing is a small, lightweight, single electric breast pump featuring two-phase expression -- a revolutionary technology that mimics a baby's nursing pattern by pumping in two distinct modes: Let-down Mode simulates your baby's initial rapid suckling for faster milk flow; Expression Mode simulates your baby's slower, deeper suckling. Two modes mean maximum milk flow in less time. The Swing is every bit as comfortable to use as Medela's double pump, and it fits easily into a purse or briefcase. Swing Breast Pump
No doubt about it -- pumping can take hours out of your day. That's why Medela has designed a hands-free, double-electric pump. Every bit as powerful as previous Medela pumps, this innovative number fits in the palm of your hand and includes an accessories kit that provides true mobility and freedom. Simply clip it on and you're free to move about. Freestyle Hands-Free Breast Pump
Lansinoh Double Electric Breast Pump
For over 20 years, Lansinoh has provided relief and comfort to millions of mothers and their babies through their premium, mother-tested products. Designed to make pumping easy, productive, and comfortable, this double electric pump is meant for long-term, daily use at home or away. It's easy to use and easy clean, and with multiple speed and suction settings, you can adjust the pump to your personal preference. Double Electric Breast Pump
Breast Pump
I have three kids and about 11 nieces and nephews. I will tell you what I have learned about the pros and cons of thumb sucking.
Lets start with the pros.
1. If a child sucks on their thumb or a passe it is easier to break them from the bottle than a child who only suck on the bottle. I say this because I have seen it many times but take my kids for instance. My 7 year old has sucked his thumb since he was in the womb( really I have the ultra sound picture to prove it ) but my 4 year old wouldn't suck on anything but the bottle. When my oldest turned a year we took all his bottles away without a problem but my youngest wouldn't have it. He would scream for hours on end until we gave in.
2. Its a comfort for them other than their bottle. When a baby is upset about anything they want to suck but for baby's who don't suck their thumb it can be a little difficult if your driving in a car and can't reach them.
Now the cons.
1. It is very hard to break a thumb sucker from sucking. My son is seven and he still sucks his thumb. I have known teenagers who suck their thumbs.
2. It can cause some dental problems. Like having too big a gap between their teeth.
This is what I've learned about thumb sucking.
Learn more about this author, baby girl.
The pros and cons of thumb sucking for babies
It is hard to imagine EVERYTHING in your home that can harm a baby, especially if you are a new parent. But remember the four s's. Size, Shock, Suck, Sharp.
Size: anything smaller than the center of a toilet paper roll, a baby can choke on and possibly die. Make sure none of their toys are this small. Pick up around the house. Get up coins, pen tops, small trash, batteries, etc. Put everything for risk away from reach.
Shock: Put in safety plugs in your outlets. You can purchase these at wal-mart. They are plastic inserts you put into your unused outlets to prevent the baby from getting shocked. HOWEVER, be aware, babies are smarter than you think. They can pull them out. You must have a good eye on your baby at all times.
Suck: NEVER EVER EVER leave plastic bags laying around where a baby can reach or get to it. A simple, harmless grocery bag can kill a baby. I know it sounds harsh, but, you can never be to safe. They can suffocate if the bag gets in their face. Also, NEVER give your young child a blow up balloon. If they get it in the back of their mouth and go to breath, it will suck down their throat and suffocate to death, it is almost to save them with a balloon.
Sharp: Watch the corners of your coffee tables. A baby can hit their head on them and easily hurt themselves. Be careful with utensils such as forks and even butterknives. Cactus plants are a BAD idea.
When you have a child, it will slowly but surely come to you. As parents we have a parents intuition. We know what can and will hurt our babies. It's up to you to do something about it.
Learn more about this author, Samantha Rouse.
How to prepare your home for a new baby
There is nothing more important in the world than the safety of your child. It is a given that you will worry about your newborn at night, when you are out, even if he/she is at home with a baby sitter or another family member. But there is no need to worry because there is a simple, affordable solution to your problem. Use a baby monitor! This is a wonder device that comes in many different configurations that will ensure you can keep tabs on all the activities of your baby. So what exactly is a baby monitor?
Basically, a baby monitor is a device that monitors the activities of the baby while you are otherwise occupied. There are audio and audio-visual baby monitors as well as specialized ones that can even sense the body movements of the baby. These baby monitors are available in many brands and models, but it is advisable to buy only the best quality you can afford to ensure accuracy and reliability. There are certain points that you must keep in mind before choosing a baby monitor.
Look for the following features before buying the baby monitor:
1) There are two types of baby monitors, wireless and plug-in. It is recommended that you buy the wireless one, as this one ensures mobility and freedom to use outside of the house. If you buy the wireless baby monitor, you get more flexibility and you are not stuck to only one location. Also, you can take it out with you in the range specified and monitor the activities of your baby while finishing your other chores.
2) Make sure the size of the baby monitor that you buy is not too large. Get a smaller size so that it can be easily clipped or tied to your belt. The portable baby monitors usually come with belt-clips. Size does not factor in much when the goal is to have a clear picture when buying a baby monitor that includes video. These audio-visual baby monitors are usually more bulky.
3) Instead of getting an audio-only baby monitor, it is better to go for a baby monitor with a camera, so you can actually visualize your baby's activities. These come either black & white or color (usually color costs more). Picture quality varies, especially in low-light conditions. Since your baby is probably going to be sleeping in a darkened room, check that the low-light picture quality is sufficient.
4) Make sure that the microphone that is attached to the camera is ultra sensitive so that you can even hear a pin drop. This is of utmost importance, even more so than the quality of the picture display.
5) Check whether the monitor has other accessories like an alarm clock to remind you of the baby's feeding times.
6) It is important that your baby monitor has a good range so that you will be able to travel a longer distance and yet keep a check on the activities of your baby.
7) Rechargeable batteries are a must. It's best if the baby monitor has a low battery indicator.
8) Buy a baby monitor with multiple channels so you can choose an interference-free channel to transmit on. If your neighbor has a baby monitor, buy a brand that is different from his to ensure that the signals don't get mixed up. Depending on the frequency of other household appliances such as cordless phones and wireless internet routers, you may need to buy a baby monitor that operates in the frequency zone different from your phone or router.
9) Some more expensive models include motion sensors that can detect if the baby has stopped moving for a period of time in order to prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). For the ultimate peace of mind, get a baby monitor with this feature.
9) Last but not least, check the UL (Underwriters Labs) mark before buying. This ensures UL evaluation for safety.
Apart from these features, you should also utilize recommendations on the performance of the baby monitor from published reports and user comments. This is more important than going by the brand name since some manufacturers produce different models that perform better than others in their product line. Do not focus solely on the cost. Keep in mind the quality. Generally, the baby monitors will start from about 30 to 40 dollars and can go up to 150 dollars or more.
Do yourself a favor and buy the best quality baby monitor you can with the most features.
For all of the latest product reviews, news, and information about baby monitors and baby heartbeat monitors, visit: baby monitor. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Isaac_Rubens |
Buying A Baby Monitor - What To Look For
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Naming a baby is no easy task. However, the following tips will help you give your baby his or her very first gift.
1. Religion: For some parents, religion plays a major role in choosing a baby name. Roman Catholics traditionally choose saints' names. Jews traditionally choose Old Testament names. Names of deceased relatives are often chosen. Protestants often choose both Old and New Testament names.
Interesting Fact! : The majority of the people in the Western hemisphere have names from the Bible. The New Testament is a more popular source of names than the Old Testament.
2. Number of Names. You have many options when it comes to the number of names you choose for your baby. It is very common for a baby to be given three names, however, this is not mandatory. You may choose a first and last name; a first and last name and only a middle initial; initials for both first and middle names; or several middle names. Keep in mind, though, that several middle names will cause space problems for your child any time he or she fills out a form.
3. Sounds. Names are easy or hard to say depending upon the combination of letters used. A name such as Harry Berry invites potential teasing. Try this to create a nice effect: choose a first name that has the same amount of syllables as the last name. Whoopi Goldberg is a good example.
Interesting Fact! : Whoopi Goldberg's original name is Caryn Johnson.
4. Pronunciation. Nobody likes to have their name mis-pronounced. This is an important factor to keep in mind with unique names.
5. Popularity. Choosing a popular name increases the likelihood that there will be other children in your child's school with the same name. This may make him or her not feel as unique. However, a child with a popular name may be perceived better by peers than a child with a unique name.
6. Stereotypes. Many names create a positive or negative image. A name is often a person's first introduction to others. Therefore, you must make careful considerations when choosing a name to fit your new baby.
7. Initials. Initials of a person's name often spell words. If you choose to take this route, be sure that it will be a word you son or daughter will be happy with.
8. Meanings. Almost every name has a meaning. However, most people don't know the meaning of their names. This may help in deciding between some of your favorite baby name choices.
9. Family History. Family History often comes into play when naming a baby. If you have to use a family name that you aren't happy with, consider using it as a middle name.
10. Celebrity Names. A common source of today's baby names comes from the names of celebrities and from the names that celebrities choose for their children. Characters from TV and movies are another popular source.
11. Make sure that the name you choose is one that your child will be able to grow with. Keep in mind that it should be applicable for all ages. Many names come with stereotypes.
12. It is important for both parents to compromise when selecting a name for your baby. However, keep in mind that you can always use two names, using one as a middle name.
Good Luck! A new baby is one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime.
Oh Baby! Choosing the Right Baby Name
1) Don't Neglect Nutrition:
The body's demand for proper nutrients, during and after pregnancy, is huge. The weight gained in pregnancy helps build stores for your recovery and for breastfeeding. After delivery, all mothers need continued nutrition so that they can be healthy and active and able to care for their baby. Restricted calories can often equal less nutrition. Most lactation experts recommend that breastfeeding mothers should eat when they are hungry. But many mothers may be so tired or busy that food gets forgotten. So, it is essential to plan simple and healthy meals.
2) Don't Begin Exercising Too Soon:
Most women can begin a formal exercise program within 6 weeks of giving birth, though this time frame might be slightly longer for some women, including those recovering from a C-section. Most women recovering from a C-section will be able to exercise after there incision has healed and their doctor has cleared them for exercise. Keep in mind, starting an exercise program too soon will delay your recovery and could potentially injure your body permanently. It may also take you longer than six weeks to heal fully if you start exercising too soon.
3) Don't Surrender Your Rest:
No one misses sleep like a new mother. A baby's first few months are a busy, hectic time that will put big demands on your schedule. The advice that you should get enough rest and relaxation seems impossible to follow during the postpartum period. Ongoing sleep disturbances can leave you feeling cross, irritable, and depressed. When you are this tired, even little problems become difficult to solve, and you may find it hard to make decisions about even the smallest issues. Pump and let your partner take on one or a few of your child's feedings so you can grab longer stretches of shut eye. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Do whatever you can to grab rest periods, your body will thank you for it.
When it comes to losing weight after pregnancy, it can take a number of months for your body to return to normal. So, even if you are not breast-feeding, don't be in too much of a hurry to cut calories. Apart from the physical trauma of giving birth that can leave you feeling completely exhausted, looking after and being responsible for a new baby can also be very tiring and stressful.
Once you begin to feel like your normalizing, seek out a little guidance for your weight loss goals. With the combination of good nutrition and exercise, you can and will recapture your former shape. Who knows...maybe even better than ever.
Copyright 2008 John Franco. John Franco has been directly involved in the Health and Fitness Industry for close to thirty years. To take the mystery out of how you should be eating to permanently strip fat, increase energy and maintain good health, visit John's review pages athttp://www.fatfreemommy.com.
Losing Weight After Child Birth, 3 Mistakes You Don't Want To Make by J Franco
Energi Surfer Stroller by Mia Moda
Valco Baby Latitude Stroller - Single - Silk Black
Checklist of Items for New Baby's Arrival
The birth of a child is one of the greatest moments in a person's life. There are many things that you will need to do to prepare for your new baby's arrival. So many in fact that it can leave a new parent's head spinning and their wallets empty.
What is really necessary to buy? What can you do without? Below is a list of the items that we used with both of our girls and highly recommend. I've also made note of some of the more popular items that people buy that may not be necessary.
Baby's Room
1. Crib, Crib Mattress and Crib Sheet - our girls slept in our bed for the first 6 months, so we actually didn't use the crib at first... so no rush to get a crib if you plan on co-sleeping or using a bedside bassinette
2. Dresser - for all those cute baby clothes that you will be getting as gifts!
3. Nightlight - so you don't bang your knee on the dresser when you go in to check baby at night
4. Lamp - for some nighttime stories before going to sleep
5. Books - we started reading to our older daughter long before she 'understood' it
6. Rocker and Ottoman - makes reading a story together so much fun!
7. Change Table - it can be hard to try to change baby on a table too low or too high - can give you a sore back!
8. Diapers - but of course! You may want to consider cloth diapers if you have the time and energy to do that extra laundry
9. Diaper Wipes - we use disposables, although some people will get a bunch of those baby washcloths and use those.
10. Diaper Bin (with tight lid) (We actually rarely use our diaper bin, it is really just a glorified trashcan, so you may want to save a couple of dollars and just buy a good trashcan instead.)
11. Diaper Ointment - keep those baby bottoms super soft
12 Sleep Vest - a really nice alternative to a baby blanket, which is easily kicked off by baby in the night
1. Nursing Pillow - so mom is comfortable while nursing!
2. Breast Pump - for those times when mom just needs a break or has to go back to work.
3. Bottles - make sure they are BPA free! Lots of great alternatives on the market these days
4. Formula (if not breast feeding) - doesn't hurt to have some around even if you are nursing, just in case you need it.
5. Booster Seat - Don't waste your money on a high chair that is going to take up lots of room in your kitchen. A booster seat that sits on a chair costs less and does the same thing.
1. One piece outfits (also known as onesies) - babies will live in these in the early months, so much easier than trying to put on a two piece outfit on such a wee baby
2. Socks and Shoes - probably won't need shoes so much in the early days, but socks are a must
3. Teething Bibs - so you don't have to change baby's wet clothes throughout the day once she starts drooling
4. Hat - especially in cooler weather!
5. Sweater - ditto
6. Jacket - double ditto
7. Laundry detergent for sensitive skin - some babies can be really sensitive to the regular chemical detergents out there
Going Out
1. Car Seat - keep baby safe!
2. Diaper Bag - your home away from home when you have a baby, make sure to get a big one and something that looks cool so you don't mind carrying it around
3. Change Pad - you never know what is on those change tables in public restrooms, eek
4. Baby Sling - gives you an extra hand or two, and babies generally like the closeness
5. Stroller - make sure it's a good one (ie: a Phil and Ted). A lot of the standard strollers are really tough to maneuver
6. Bumbo Seat - great for when going to a restaurant or for at home when you need to put baby down for a minute
Fun Stuff
1. Play Arches - great for them to kick with their feet and fun to watch!
2. Swing - good place for baby to hang out for a while
3. Newborn Toddler Rocker or Bouncer - especially once they are older, toddlers love to rock, bounce, dance, move, groove
4. Wagon for going out for walks - a nice alternative to the stroller
Dan Forsyth is a father of two lovely girls and owner of the online baby gift store My Favorite Baby Gifts.com (http://www.myfavoritebabygifts.com). Dan can be reached at dan@myfavoritebabygifts.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Forsyth |
New Baby Arrival Preparation Checklist
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